7 worst foods you can eat for the thyroid

  1. Organ meats

Yes, you heard that right, organ meat such as heart, kidney, liver, lungs, etc has become less consumed over the years, however, it can be quite beneficial to your health. These not so popular cuts of meat contain lots of lipoic acid, which has been shown to decrease inflammation and improve cognitive function.

However, despite its benefits, lipoic acid can also mess up the functioning of the thyroid if you consume too much of it. This acid is also not recommended for people who are already on thyroid medication because it can change the way the medicine works in the body.

  1. Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, kale, and cauliflower should be a staple in everyone’s diet since they are extremely healthy and have a ton of fiber in them, as well as essential vitamins and minerals. They are also pretty unique in that they have sulfurous chemicals in them called glucosinolates, for which studies have shown that they have the potential to combat the development of cancerous tissue.

On the other hand, if you are deficient in iodine, it might be best if you avoid cruciferous veggies. It is believed that the digestion process for this particular type of vegetables inhibits the thyroid gland’s ability to use iodine. If you find them delicious and can’t imagine your diet without them, there’s no need to worry because you can eat five ounces a day without a problem whatsoever, and cooking them can decrease the effect on the thyroid.

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  1. Sweets and candy

Refined sugars are without a doubt the number one enemy to public health. The majority of people eat too much of them, some to the point of addiction, and very often without even being aware of it. The reason it’s so bad is not only that it can cause severe weight gain, but it also triggers inflammation all over the body and increases the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes… Oh, and it absolutely wrecks your teeth.

A thyroid which is functioning below its capacity can drastically slow down your metabolism, which can lead to weight gain even when you’re not eating too much sugar. But if you are, you will surely find that number on the scale going up in no time, leaving you wondering what happened. Decreasing your daily sugar intake is the most important thing you can do to improve your health and decrease the detrimental impact of a thyroid disorder.


Unlike many other disorders, with a thyroid disorder, you may not experience that much interference with your normal day-to-day diet. The necessity to eliminate fast and processed foods in addition to sugar is not something that should pertain to specific diseases and should apply to anyone who wants to be healthy. Wheat is important to avoid if you’re diagnosed with celiac disease, which can be done with a simple blood test. Cruciferous veggies and soy are still okay, but only if eaten moderately.

As long as you cook your meals at home using whole ingredients, you can be certain that you are giving your thyroid the best food, in terms of nutrients. Being diagnosed with a thyroid disorder is not such a grim thing, as it is easily treated with a variety of medications and once it is stabilized, the majority of the symptoms should disappear

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