This Young Russian Bodybuilder Is an Exact Replica of Arnold Schwarzenegger

The great impact of the Golden Era of bodybuilding can still be felt today, most especially in terms of aesthetics – modern bodybuilders, motivated by their idols, spend countless hours in the gym working hard on the perfection of their bodies. Since then we’ve seen advancements in equipment, scientific research, methods and supplements, yet the goal remains the same: turning one’s physique into a true work of art.

While it’s true that the old school pros used s******s, modern bodybuilders have taken it to another level. But there are still a lot guys who’re trying to achieve the classic look of The Austrian Oaks era, relying mostly on iron willpower and a no-excuses type of training.

There’s a reason why people respect and admire the old school bodybuilders so much – back in the day, workouts were grueling and the secret to great gains was simply lifting heavy weights and classic movements. There was a very limited selection of supplements and diets consisted of real, great quality food centered around protein and healthy fats.


This goes for Arnold as well, as he trained as hard as he possibly could, ate right, had an impeccable work ethic, unnegotiable self-discipline and won everyone over with his no-room-for-failure energetic personality.


These days, the stage reflectors have illuminated a fresh bodybuilding star in the making who sports Arnold’s physique from his best days and even bears an amazing resemblance in terms of facial characteristics.


At first glance, you might think you’re looking at an old photo of Arnold’s competitive years – but it’s actually the Russian bodybuilder Anton Ryskin, dubbed The Russian Oak. Playing on the clone-like appearance he shares with Schwarzenegger, he has even imitated some of his classic poses.

This young fella is looking pretty badass already, and if he continues to train hard, he could be a truly great bodybuilder, following in the footsteps of his idol.

And we know he has the right attitude as well – on one of his social media accounts, Ryskin has described himself with the following famous words: Crawling is acceptable. Falling is acceptable. Crying is acceptable. Pain is acceptable. Quitting is not.

Spoken like a true Arnold!

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