Vitamin B complex

Vitamin B Complex

B-complex vitamins positively affect mood swings, anxiety, depression. They also increase energy and generally contribute to the overall well-being . The vitamin B complex group improves memory and concentration, and is important for the treatment of anemia, as they enable better utilization of iron.

Vitamin B complex functions in the body

– involved in many metabolic processes
– participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats
– important for digestion, stimulates the ferments that control digestion .
– prevents the onset of arteriosclerosis , excessive blood clotting and the formation of kidney stones
– protects the liver and helps its work
– renewing cells

Vitamin B1 (thiamine )

It can be found in the germ of cereals , peas , wholemeal bread , milk , brown rice . Vitamin B1 is essential for the transmission of nerve signals to the muscles and thus it takes care of our mobility. Vitamin B1 is included in most of the processes of obtaining energy from carbohydrates in our body. The lack of vitamin B1 leads to irritability , insomnia , loss of appetite, digestive problems.

Vitamin B2 ( riboflavin)

It is found in the following foods : broccoli , almonds , milk , spinach . Vitamin B2 participates in all processes of degradation of carbohydrates, proteins , fats, that is – in creating energy. In the case of lack of this vitamin – you will first start seeing changes on your skin. For example, lips become dry and chapped , hardening of the skin , brittle nails etc.

Vitamin B3 ( niacin)

Can be found in chicken , salmon , tuna , liver , eggs , peanuts , green fruit. Vitamin B3 is an integral part of the co-enzyme that transports hydrogen and stimulate the construction and breakdown of carbohydrates, fatty acids and amino acids. It is important as vitamin B2 for creating and directing energy , as well as the normal function of the nervous system. Nurtures skin by helping in the collagen creation, and it participates in the creation of pigment. Signs of a lack of this vitamin can be loss of appetite , dizziness , weight loss, digestive disorders , depression and severe mental illness .

Vitamin B5 ( pantothenic acid)

It can be found in plain yogurt , avocado, sweet potato , mushrooms , chicken . Vitamin B5 supports the action of vitamin E stimulates the mobility of muscles , and it is important for creation of antibodies that protect the mucous membrane of the mouth, throat , respiratory colds.

Vitamin B6 ( pyridoxine)

It is found in bananas , salmon , spinach , whole grains, green cabbage , eggs. It is a vitamin of growth and is responsible for the division of tissue without which the body could not be developed. Dopamine is created with the help of vitamin B6 and is important in the transmission of nerve impulses . The absence causes intestinal disorders, loss of appetite , fatigue , depression.

Vitamin B7 (biotin)

B7, also known as Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin and highly essential in the human body. It is also known as vitamin H where the letter ‘H’ stands for ’ Haar und Haut’, or “hair and skin” in German. Biotin is vitally important for a wide range of metabolic processes in the body including enzyme synthesis for several crucial metabolic pathways’ metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, as well as synthesis of amino acids which are necessary for protein synthesis.

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)

Chicken, turkey , milk , eggs, beef are foods rich in this vitamin .  B12 is responsible for the health of red blood cells. This vitamin is different from the other B group because it produced , exclusively by microorganisms . It’s a “meat” vitamin , and the lack of it  commonly occurs in vegetarians.

Vitamin B9 ( folic acid)

Folic acid is found in green vegetables , spinach,  beans , beef , sheep meat and chicken liver. Its most important task is the construction of tissues. It helps make thrombocytes needed for blood clotting, so it is essential for normal growth and wound healing . It also encourages the creation of white blood cells that are needed to strengthen the immune system.

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