protein pancakes

Enhance Your Workout Gains With These Amazing Post-Workout Recipes

Recipe #3 Tuna and crackers

Tuna is one of the best sources for lean and mean protein, which will give you the right amounts of energy you need after the tough day at the gym. For those of us who are not so savvy in the kitchen, this particular recipe does not need a lot of cooking skills, for sure. Also, this is one of the best recipes when you are faced with a tight budget. Cheap and easy to make, this is the best recipe when you are feeling tired.


One can of tuna
Half a cup of crackers
Olive oil
Pickles (if you like)

Directions: Open the can of tuna and add it in a bowl. Squash some crackers with your hand and add them to the mix. Per taste, add pepper, olive oil and mustard. You can add pickles as well, if you like the option.
Total nutritional value: Calories: 379 | Protein: 41 g | Fat: 13 g | Carbs: 24 g

Recipe #4 Protein & Oats

If you prefer your morning workout sessions, then protein based breakfast is a necessity you can’t imagine your life without. The best thing about this particular recipe is the simplicity in preparation and the small costs. The protein & Oats dish is a wonderful balancing meal of protein and carbs that will give you the energy boost you need to build those muscles. Oats have been a favorite choice of food for bodybuilders for years, and this particular recipe will give you a fun rendition of otherwise boring breakfast meal.


Half a cup of oats
2 scoops of protein powder (flavor per choosing)
Half a cup of dried fruits per choosing
Half a cup of water
Almonds (1/4 cup)

Directions: Put all ingredients in a bowl and place the bowl in the fridge, ensuring prepared meal first thing in the morning.
Total nutritional value: Calories: 422 | Protein: 31 g | Fat: 12.5 g | Carbs: 48 g

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