
The 30-Minute Dumbbell Workout Program to Build Muscle

Is your progress lagging because you have no time for extensive workout routines at the gym and no money for expensive equipment to train at your home?

Skip these excuses right now and start building muscle fast with this 30 minute dumbbell workout program that will provide you with a great total body training. And all you need is a pair of dumbbells.

The 30 minute dumbbell workout

1. FLOOR PRESS: 3 sets, 10 reps

Lie on your back on the floor with your head near the end of a power rack, allowing your triceps to rest on the flood with the elbows close to your sides and wrists facing each other.

Pull your shoulder blades together, then lower the dumbbells towards the bottom of your chest. Maintaining your elbows tucked, press the weight straight up as fast as you can.

2. ONE-ARM BENT-OVER ROW: 3 sets, 30 reps (15 on each side)

Choose a flat bench and place a dumbbell on each side. Hold a dumbbell in one hand and step forward with the opposite leg. Bend your torso forward from the waist until it’s approximately parallel to the floor and place your hand on the end of the bench for support.

Row the weight to your side until your upper arm is just beyond horizontal. Do not rotate your torso in an effort to throw the weight up. Lower the weight down until your arm is fully extended and repeat.

3. GET-UP SIT-UP: 2 sets, 10 reps (5 on each side)

Lie on your back on the floor and hold one dumbbell in one hand straight above your chest, while squeezing the other one between your feet. By contracting your abs and leg muscles, curl up and perform a sit-up and move the weight directly overhead. Pause for a second, then return to the floor and repeat with the opposite side.

4. RENEGADE ROW: 3 sets, 20 reps (10 on each side)

Place two dumbbells on the floor about shoulder width apart. Get into a push-up position with your feet wide for better support and grab a dumbbell in each hand. Shift your body weight to your left side, pushing the left dumbbell into the floor, and row the dumbbell in your right hand to your side, retracting the right shoulder blade as you flex the elbow.

Lower the dumbbell to the floor and repeat on the opposite side.

5. GOBLET SQUAT: 3 sets, 15 reps

Stand holding a dumbbell by one of the weighted ends with both hands, close to your chest and with your feet wide apart and pointed 45 degrees outward.

Keeping your back in its natural arch and your chest and head up, squat as deeply as you can or until your hamstrings are on your calves. At the bottom position, pause and use your elbows to push your knees out. Return to the starting position and repeat.

6. ONE-ARM PUSH PRESS: 3 sets, 30 reps (15 on each side)

Take a dumbbell in one hand and bring it up at shoulder level with your elbow bent and palm facing forward, while standing up tall with feet at shoulder width apart.

Bend your knees to gather momentum and explode up white simultaneously pressing the dumbbell straight overhead all the way to lockout. Hold for a second then slowly lower the weight back.

7. SINGLE-LEG DEADLIFT: 3 sets, 16 reps (8 on each side)


Place two dumbbells on the floor in front of you. Stand on one leg with the other pointing behind you and slightly bent. Bend at the hip and extend your free leg behind you for balance and pick up each weight and extend your hips to stand straight up on the supporting leg.

Lower the dumbbells until you are parallel to the ground, then return to the upright position.

8. ONE-ARM SWING: 5 sets, 30 reps (15 on each side)

Holding a dumbbell in one hand in front of your hips, stand tall with feet wider than shoulder width apart. Slightly bend your hips and knees and let the weight hang between your legs, then explosively extend your hips and knees, thrust them forward and swing the weight up to eye level. Push the hips back and repeat the movement.

This 30 minute dumbbell only workout definitely work your body a bit different than a classic bodybuilding workout, but it will be enough to keep you in good shape and maintain muscle.

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