Intermittent Fasting diet

Weight Loss : Intermittent Fasting

The traditional diets where you cut your calorie intake during the entire diet, either by cutting the carbs or fats are slowly becoming less popular.What if you can eat your favorite foods and still lose the body fat?

The Intermittent Fasting diet represents a pattern of eating that alternates between a period of not eating (Fasting) and a period of eating (also called a feeding window).The fasting phase is a period of time where no calories are consumed (only water can be consumed or depending on the approach some calorie dense drinks like cofee).The feeding window is the time when you consume whole foods.On a longer therm this type of eating will create calorie deficit (eating less calories than your body burns).

According to a number of studies there are numerous benefits to Intermittent Fasting.Weight loss is obviously the biggest one of them.During the fast, body fat is used as an energy source instead of stored glycogen.During the fast HGH (Human growth hormone which preserves muscle mass and helps burn fat) is released in the blood stream and also Insulin levels are decreased,which means that your body will be storing less fat.

There are a few approaches to Intermittent Fasting:

-16 hours fast , followed by a 8 hour feeding window (Leangains diet).
-20 hours fast,  followed by a 4 hour feeding window.
-24 hour fasts, one or two times a week.

And there are also the Warrior Diet where you can break the fasting period by eating small doses of vegetables or fruits and small doses of protein and the Renegade Diet which I was very satisfied with.

A good example of the Intermittent Fasting diet is the Leangains diet where you alter between 16 hour fast and a 8 hour feeding period:

-The fast can begin at 8 p.m. and last till 12 p.m. the other day.
Usually people are active in the morning, either by working or doing their morning workout.
-12 p.m. first and largest meal – 50 % of the total calories
-4 p.m.   second meal – 25 % of the total calories

-7-8 p.m. last meal – 25 % of the total calories

Always consult with a doctor before starting a diet.

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