8 Bodybuilding Guidelines for Beginners

Give your body some rest

Rest plays also a big role in bodybuilding. Your body recovers and builds muscle while you rest, not in the gym. While you sleep two of the most anabolic and muscle building hormones are released – growth hormone and testosterone. This is why you need to give yourself about 8-9 hours of quality sleep every night.

Do some Cardio

Do some cardio exercise. It will help you build endurance, lose fat and stay healthier. You can start by adding 2-3 thirty-minute sessions a week and fine tune from there.

Be patient

Like I mentioned before you have to be patient – every good athlete went down this road once. There will always be bigger and better bodybuilders than you, but that doesn’t mean you have to compare yourself to them. Just be constant and work on improving yourself bit by bit – eventually you will get there.

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