foods that fight acne

5 Foods That Help You Fight Acne

Acne represents an inflammatory skin condition that is now probably the most common health problem for teenagers. Characterized by the appearance of zits, redness, pain and in some cases even scars. Although there is a tendency towards a decrease in late twenties and early thirties, according to the Medical Center of the University of Maryland, even the older generation are not completely immune because acne can occur at any period of life, as a result of poor hygiene, stress, as part of other diseases or therapies with individual drugs, but also as a result of inadequate nutrition and a healthy diet.

Some foods can irritate while others may be beneficial in preventing or easing the occurrence of acne symptoms.

The first thing you should do is to exclude spicy and fatty foods – cooking oil, sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise, chips, fatty meats, smoked sausage, fatty cheeses, as well as fast food, soft drinks, and emphasize the intake of various vitamins and minerals.

Carrot juice and carrots

Carrots and carrot juice are sources of vitamin A and beta carotene. Vitamin A can provide effects similar to supplements based on retinol that are commonly used in the treatment of acne, and without the risk of adverse effects that often accompany these supplements. One cup of raw carrot juice provides 450% of the recommended daily dose of vitamin A for adults and half a cup of cooking carrots 270 percent. Because of this fact, as well as other health benefits, carrots should be an integral part of our diet every day.


Green vegetables are also rich in beta carotene. Half a cup of cooked spinach provides 230 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A in adults. The same amount of cooked kale provides 190 percent. Other nutrients that can promote a clean and healthy skin include parsley, cabbage, and mustard. Darkest green vegetables contain the highest amount of nutrients – if the color is pale vegetables, portions should be higher.

Whole grains

Whole grains can play a big role in keeping your skin clean, because they are not stripped of fiber and other nutrients during processing. As a result, they have more nutritional benefits and positive impact on blood sugar compared to refined grains, such as white flour. According to a study published in the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition”, a low glycemic diet can help in preventing the formation of acne. High-glycemic foods are foods that can dramatically affect your blood sugar and can cause or worsen the symptoms of acne and should be avoided. Foods with low glycemic index, on the other hand, may have an impact on the status of hormones (primarily in women) and have a positive effect on reducing acne symptoms. Foods to eat – whole grain bread and cereals (rye bread), oat cereals, brown rice, wild rice, quinoa, buckwheat flour.


Cold sea fish such as salmon, tuna, lake trout, mackerel and tuna are the main source of omega-3 fatty acids – essential fats which are generally known to reduce inflammation, promote heart health and brain function. According to a number of studies to date, in accordance with the principles of a healthy skin care, omega-3 fatty acids can help in calming down skin inflammation, which is caused by clogged pores and thus minimize the symptoms of acne. Since the typical Western diet includes foods that cause symptoms of inflammation, such as fatty meat, the presence of trans fats and lack of omega – 3 fatty acids, the introduction of fish at least twice a week in the diet would be undoubtedly useful, both for the heart health and blood vessels as well as for skin health. Techniques for cooking the fish include baking in the oven or on the grill.

Lean Meats and Seafood

Lean meats and seafood are valuable sources of zinc, which speeds up the healing of wounds, improves immunity, cell division, and physical development. According to a study at the University of Maryland, increasing the intake of zinc can help reduce the symptoms of acne. That’s why it’s important to consume foods rich in zinc (oysters, beef, chicken) or zinc supplementation.

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  1. La Lumieres

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