6 Simple Exercises to Combat The Effects of Bad Posture

Forward head posture can cause problems for your neck and upper back. For every inch your head sits forward, the weight pressing on the neck is increased by 10 pounds. In other words, if your head weighs 12 pounds, and is only 3 inches forward, the pressure on the neck will measure 42 pounds. As a result, your upper back muscles are put under enormous unnatural strain, working hard to keep your chin form dropping forward.

By neglecting your posture, you become susceptible to chronic back pain. Many of today’s activities, like sitting in front of a computer for a long period with curved low back, stooping over for an extended period and improper sleep cause unbearable pain in your back.

When preventing back pain related with bad posture, it is crucial to keep a natural curve in the lower back. It works as a shock absorber, and helps to even up the distribution of weight along the whole spine. Any distortion can result in pain, and the best way for dealing with it is to try and adjust your posture.

One of the simplest cures to sitting all day is getting up. In addition, you can also try these six exercises. Although easy and quick, they are an attested method for getting your back straight and strengthening the muscles.

ChinTuck1 Chin Tuck

The Chin Tuck is a simple exercise that helps you improve your posture by making the neck muscles stronger. It can be performed seated or standing.

Roll back your shoulders and pull them slightly down. Place two fingers on the chin, apply slight pressure and move your head back. Hold for several seconds, and repeat. You can perform this exercise anywhere, anytime. The more you repeat this exercise, the better the effect.


WallAngel2. Wall Angel

Press your back against a wall. Your feet should be four inches away from the base. Slightly bend your knees. Keep your buttocks, back and head pressed against the wall. Raise your arms bent in the elbows, so that they form a letter “W”. Squeeze the shoulder blades and hold for several seconds. Straighten the elbows and raise your arms further into a letter “Y”. Your shoulders should be loose, and avoid shrugging them to your ears. Repeat this exercise 10 times, and do 2-3 sets.



Doorway3. Doorway Stretch

This exercise is ideal for loosening the chest muscles. Stand in a doorway. Take one arm and lift it so that it is parallel to the floor. Bending your elbows point the fingers upwards. Put your hand on the frame.

Leaning gently into the raised arm, press against the frame and hold for 10 seconds. After relaxing the pressure for a while, press again. This time your chest should lounge forward, past the frame. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat the stretch several times for each arm.




HipFlex4. Kneeling Stretch

This stretch is aimed at the hip flexors. It starts by kneeling down on one of your knees. Then, place the other foot on the floor in front of you. With both hands placed on this leg’s thigh, press forward with your hips, until you can feel the hip flexors stretching.

Make sure that your chin is parallel to the floor. Apply slight contraction to abdominal muscles, and move your pelvis back. Hold pose for half a minute. Switch legs.


XMove5. The X-Move

Doing this exercise will strengthen your upper back muscles. It primarily targets the rhomboids, located between the shoulder blades.
This exercise requires the use of resistance band. Start in a sitting position on the floor, and extend you legs. Form an X with the resistance band, placing its middle around your feet and taking each of its ends in the opposite hand. Hold the ends with extended arms, and pull them toward your hips with elbows bent and pointing backwards. Hold for a second, and slowly release. Repeat 8 to 12 times. Do three sets.



YMove6. The V-Move

According to a study by the Scandinavian Society of Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine, you can improve your posture and drastically decrease pain in neck and shoulders by taking this exercise two minutes, five days a week.

It is performed in a standing position, using a resistance band. First place your feet so that one is positioned behind the other, and step on the resistance band. Grab the band by its ends and lift your arms up, while at the same time keeping them slightly open.

Keep the elbows slightly bent. Stop when you reach shoulder level height. Hold for a while and return to the starting position. It is crucial to keep your back straight. Repeat the exercise five days a week, for 2 minutes.



via : MindBodyGrean

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