
They Said Coconut Oil Was Great For You, but This is What They Didn’t Tell You

BONUS: Other Uses for Coconut Oil

Some bonus uses of coconut oil:

  1. Chewing Gum in Hair Remover – just rub some coconut oil over the stuck chewing gum, leave in for about 30 minutes, then roll the gum between your fingertip. Voila! It’s out!
  2. Goo Gone – just mix equal parts coconut oil and baking soda into a paste. Apply to the “sticky” area and let it set for a minute. Then scrub off with an old toothbrush or the scrubby side of a sponge.
  3. Insect repellent – mix coconut oil with peppermint oil extract and rub it all over exposed skin. Keeps insects off better than anything with DEET! Tons safer too.
  4. Moisturizing and cleaning leather products
  5. Oiling wood cutting boards and wood bowls
  6. Polishing Bronze – all you have to do is rub a little oil into a cotton towel and then wipe down the statue. It cleans and helps deepen the color of your bronze.
  7. Polish Furniture – coconut oil with a little bit of lemon juice to polish wood furniture. However, I recommend you test it first on a very small, unobtrusive part of your furniture to make sure it works the way you’d like.
  8. Seasoning animal hide drums
  9. Seasoning cookware
  10. Soap making – coconut oil can be used as one of the fats in soap.

Did we miss any? Do you use coconut oil for something not on the list?

Source : Dr Alison Chen

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  1. Rob

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