
Debunking the top 9 myths about fitness and healthy nutrition

A new fad diet is popping up every single diet, so before you even think of starting any one of them, it is crucial that you know whether something at least has some basis in science or it’s outright wrong and misleading. This will save you both time and money, and prevent you from needlessly wreaking havoc on your body, as well as your bank account. Keep on building muscle and losing fat in the gym, while following a healthy diet using the right nutritional information that will help you separate truth from fiction. We present to you the top 9 biggest nutrition myths:

  1. Low-carb diets are harmful

There’s this widely believed notion that following a diet low in carbs is dangerous and will eventually lead to nutrient deficiencies as well as heart-related conditions. The truth, however, is that carbs are not eliminated in a low-carb diet, they’re merely rationed based on your macro-nutrient split and the days when you are or aren’t exercising. Nutrient deficiencies can easily be prevented on a low-carb diet. Non-starchy vegetables and fruits are filled with vitamins and minerals and are an excellent replacement for the decreased carb intake.

When it comes to heart-related issues, research has shown that a low-carb diet can decrease cholesterol, triglyceride and blood pressure levels because in such a diet saturated and trans fats are avoided and healthy fats are consumed instead. A healthy low-carb diet is a diet which typically consists of healthy fats, moderate protein intake, and carbs coming from low-starch vegetables and fruits.

  1. There’s no difference between calories, they’re all are the same

It’s a fact that not all calories are created equal. First of all, a calorie is a unit of energy and provides energy primarily from protein, carbs and fat. When your body burns fat, 9 calories are released per gram (regardless of whether it’s a healthy or saturated fat) and when protein and carbs are digested, 4 calories per gram are released.

When protein is digested it has a thermic effect, which means that your body spends twice the amount of energy to digest and metabolize it, which in turn means that you burn even more calories just by consuming protein. There are also the so-called empty calories, coming from foods that are mainly processed and made with high-fructose corn syrup. These calories are detrimental to our health and will only add an extra tire around your waist, nothing more.

  1. Frozen vegetables and fruits lose their nutrition value

Frozen veggies and fruits have the same amount of nutrients as the fresh ones. When fresh, fruits and vegetables release trypsin and chymotrypsin, which are enzymes that are responsible for the loss of flavor, color, and nutrients after they are harvested. However, freezing veggies and fruits stops this chemical process from happening, which allows for more nutrients to be kept. The best frozen food choices are the ones that have vitamin A, vitamin E, and carotenoids, such as leafy greens, carrots, and broccoli.

  1. You will see results from a fad diet.

Fad diets are advertised in such a way so it seems like they’ll work for you. The truth is, everyone has a different nutritional background. One diet may work for one person but it may not work for you. A healthy diet should not require drastic lifestyle changes but should be about making changes that can be maintained in the long term. The main philosophy here is that one should still be able to indulge in their favorite foods while at the same time learn how to employ healthier eating habits which will enable them to improve their health over time. The Art Of Clean Eating and How to Start a Healthy Diet

  1. It takes a lot of money to eat healthy

The first excuse that people bring up when they’re being told to eat healthy foods is that they are too expensive. It is quite possible to eat healthy foods while being on a budget. The way you do it is by becoming a crafty consumer and look for all the deals available. Frozen fruits and canned veggies are filled with various nutrients, and there are grocery stores such as Price Chopper and Aldi that sell pretty cheap foods. Aldi also sells meat, and it’s top-notch quality.

  1. Drastically reducing your caloric intake can help you lose weight

When you decide to cut down your calories you will inevitably lose weight, however, the weight that you’ll lose initially is fluid. When you fast, the body enters into a conservation/survival mode, and it tends to conserve any calorie you consume. This makes it extremely difficult to burn more calories. What’s more, the people who do this easily regain all the weight that they lose, sometimes even gain more than they had in the first place.

  1. A juice cleanse will detox your entire body

Many people believe this misconception that a juice cleanse is somehow benefiting our bodies. The truth is our bodies have their detox system comprised of the lived, kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract, all of them working together to eliminate all the dangerous toxins and substances. The first couple of days of a juice cleanse will exhaust one’s glycogen stores, making them feel fatigued, irritable and shaky. Once the cleanse has finished, the person is very likely to regain all the weight that they lost.

  1. Eating egg yolks can increase your cholesterol

There’s no danger whatsoever in eating egg yolks. You can eat one or two a day, and you will see no increase in your cholesterol levels. They are also the part of the egg that has the most nutrients. They have a high content of fat-soluble vitamins and provide some additional protein which comes in handy if you’re trying to build muscle.

  1. Gluten-Free is the same as low-carb

Just because you’re following a gluten-free diet it doesn’t mean that you should avoid all carbs. There are lots of food sources that are gluten-free, like quinoa, potatoes, millet, corn, brown rice and barley. It’s worth noting that gluten can also be found in many unsuspecting products because of the way the food is produced. That’s why it’s very important to read the ingredient label to make sure there’s no gluten in it.

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