Build Bigger Lats : Bent Over Dumbbell Row

When performed correctly, the bent over dumbbell row is one of the most versatile compound exercises for your back. Bent over dumbbell rows helps in developing thickness through the upper and middle back that’s difficult to with through deadlifting and other rowing movements. The movement is also a core stabilization exercise.

Bent Over Dumbbell Row Muscles Worked

The bent over dumbbell row is typically intended to work the latissimus dorsi (the lats), rhomboids, lower traps, and erector spinae. It also requires work from the rotator cuff for weight stabilization.


bent over dumbbell row


  1. Stand next to a bench with the knees slightly bent and the feet at shoulder-width apart.
  2. Lean on the bench with one hand to support your body.
  3. Pick up the dumbbell from the floor and hold it in front of you with a neutral grip.
  4. From this position, pull the dumbbell towards your waist until it touches your ribs. You need to feel a good contraction in the lats and mid-back muscles.
  5. Then, extend your arm and slowly lower the dumbbell until your pulling shoulder is stretched downwards.
  6. Do the desired number of repetitions and switch your arm.


1. When grabbing the dumbbell, try to imagine your arm as a hook and pull with your back (lifting your elbow up), instead of squeezing the dumbbell and let most of the work to be done by the biceps and forearm.

2. Keep your torso almost horizontal.

3. Do not rotate the torso and use inertia in order to lift heavier weights. Instead try to keep your torso still and work with the back and rear deltoids.

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