broccoli vs steak protein

Broccoli vs. Steak Protein Content: Which Has More Protein ?

When most people think of protein, their minds immediately go to savory cuts of meat like steak, chicken, and fish. But according to social media posts and some healthy food blogs, broccoli, a vegetable that’s typically associated with a healthy diet, might actually have more protein than steak. So, does broccoli really have more protein than steak ?

This assertion has been making the rounds on various health blogs and social media platforms; however, does the claim truly hold any water? In order to assist you in making an educated decision regarding your diet, will take a closer look at the protein content of broccoli and steak.

Broccoli vs Steak Protein Content per 100g

The amount of protein that can be found in broccoli vs steak can change depending on the size of the serving and the method that is used to prepare it. On the other hand, broccoli has a significantly lower overall protein content per serving compared to steak.

Comparatively, one hundred grams of chopped broccoli has approximately 2.8 grams of protein, whereas one hundred grams of cooked beef steak contains approximately 25 grams of protein. This indicates that there is nearly ten times the amount of protein in 100 grams of steak as there is in 100 grams of broccoli.

Steak is a good source of protein, but it also tends to be higher in saturated fat and cholesterol than plant-based sources of protein such as broccoli.  Broccoli is an excellent source of a number of other vital nutrients, including fiber, vitamins C and K, and potassium, amongst others.

Consequently, although one serving of steak may contain more protein than one serving of broccoli, it is essential to take into account the overall nutritional value of the food when making decisions regarding one’s diet.

You can better ensure that you are meeting your nutritional requirements by following a well-balanced diet that incorporates a wide range of protein sources, such as those derived from plants as well as animals.

Calories in 100g of broccoli vs 100g of steak

Comparatively, 100 grams of chopped broccoli has approximately 34 calories, while 100 grams of cooked beef steak has approximately 250 calories. This indicates that there are more than seven times as many calories in 100 grams of steak as there are in 100 grams of broccoli.


When making decisions about your diet don’t rely on opinions on social media posts, but always make informed decisions. Although one serving of steak may contain more protein than one serving of broccoli, it is essential to take into account the overall nutritional value of the food when making decisions regarding one’s diet. 

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