The Simple Elimination Diet That Could Change Your Life Forever (In a Good Way)

Why should you use this diet?

If you believe that consuming dairy products causes your diarrhea, gas or bloating, practicing this diet will help you confirm it. The same symptoms can also appear because of celiac disease. If you suffer from this condition and eat wheat or other grains which contain gluten, the immune system will respond to it by attacking the small intestine. The elimination diet can help you determine the exact reason.

Will it ease the pain?

The main reason for chronic pain is inflammation. Inflammation symptoms like swelling, heat and pain are all ways in which the immune system responds to what it deems a likely threat, which sometimes isn’t. Eating specific foods can trigger inflammation in some individuals, especially the foods that have high amounts of sugar or are highly refined, like instant microwave meals or frozen pizza. If you start eliminating these types of foods, you might start noticing health improvement.

What are the foods you should eliminate first if you experience inflammation?

If you believe a certain food is causing you trouble, get rid of it. If you can’t find a “suspect”, you should start with sugar, dairy products, highly refined foods, canned foods as the prime suspects. People who find out they are allergic to gluten cut out foods that have it. If you still experience health issues, you may proceed with eliminating beef, pork, eggs, corn, shellfish, coffee, chocolate or tea to see if you’ll experience improvement.

Can the elimination diet help with lessening the symptoms of ADHD?

ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) is a chronic illness which is primarily diagnosed in children, but it can also be diagnosed in adults. The sufferers have trouble keeping their focus and paying attention and the might find it hard sitting in one place for longer periods of time or control their impulses. The research is ongoing, and several studies have suggested that being on an elimination diet may help around a quarter of those who have ADHD to cure or lessen at least a small number of symptoms.

Does it help with curing migraines?

The most common foods causing migraines are chocolate, dairy products, eggs, citrus fruits, wheat, meat, nuts, onions, tomatoes, apples, bananas and corn. This doesn’t necessarily mean that if you consume any of these foods you’ll inevitably get a migraine. It simply means that if start experiencing migraines often, you might want to give the elimination diet a try in order to find out which food is the exact trigger.

Does it help with curing Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

The elimination diet can help a great deal with this condition, but it can be really hard to follow it. The reason for this is because it’s hard to eliminate some of the potential foods causing this condition, which contain a group of carbs going by the acronym FODMAP, which are a collection of short-chain carbohydrates and sugar alcohols generally found in foods naturally or as additives. The foods that have this type of carbs are plums, apples, peaches, cauliflower, onions and other vegetables and fruits, plus, foods and beverages that have high-fructose corn syrup in them. They can cause the accumulation of gas and fluids, stomach pain and bloating. Before trying the elimination diet for this condition you should consult with your doctor first.

Should you always consult your doctor before giving it a try?

The definite answer is yes. That’s because when you eliminate certain foods, it may have an effect on other underlying conditions or treatments you are receiving at the time. Specific drugs for the treatment of diabetes or controlling blood pressure may need to be changed, or maybe even the dosages might need an adjustment, not to mention the risk of not consuming enough nutrients should you eliminate too many foods or you have a very limited or calorie-restricted diet. If you feel something is not right, your doctor should be the first to find out and help you out accordingly.

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