low carb diet

Why You Should Switch to a High Fat, Low Carb Diet

For years now we’ve been taught that fats are evil and we should stay away from them. Medical ‘experts’ taught us that eating fat makes one fat and that fat consumption is a one way road to a heart disease.

But as times went by, things have started to change. Now we know that a low-carb, high-fat diet actually improves “good” cholesterol (HDL) and doesn’t worsen “bad” cholesterol (LDL).

Also when it comes to energy expenditure and fat loss, we know that the body can store limited amounts of glycogen. The total energy in calories of that store is about 2500 (or a bit more for a larger person). So the excess carbs you eat will be stored as body fat.

Why a high fat and low carb diet ?

Very few people can process carbohydrates efficiently. Yes, you do need some carbs to fill out your glycogen stores after some intense activity (carbs are the fastest form of fuel for your working muscles), but carbs tend to stimulate your appetite.

Your energy initially spikes, and then it dips. Fat, on the other hand, is filling and provides sustained energy. Lean, athletic people can also benefit from a high-fat diet.

Many rigorous clinical trials of the past decade demonstrate that a high-carbohydrate diet has worse outcomes for health in terms of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes than a diet higher in fat.

On a higher-fat diet, people lose weight, and heart disease and diabetes markers improved.

How to switch to a high fat diet ?

With an ideal meal plan, you’re taking in roughly 40 percent of your calories from healthy fats, 25 from carbs, and 35 from protein. At first such a big change will definitely be hard as your body is probably addicted to sugar and carbs. You will feel bad during the first week, but it will get easier in the long run.

The first thing you need to do is cut the sugars and processed foods. The small amount of carbs you will eat should come from complex carbohydrate sources. Replace the carbs with healthy fats from fish, avocado, nuts and seeds, dairy (including butter, cheese and milk), coconut and olive oils.

When switching to a high fat – low carb diet, you should pay special attention to the breakfast, as this is the time people overeat carbs the most. Instead try to eat a high-fat, high protein breakfast.

This breakfast can contain bacon, lean meats, whole eggs etc. As for carbs, try to get them from green vegetables and avoid the starchy ones.

At first, expect some changes in mood and energy, but once you get used to it – you’ll start losing fat, you’ll feel focused and better than before for sure.

References: Healthline

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