egg vs whey protein

Egg Protein vs. Whey Protein – Which One Is The Right One For You

If you have a hard time deciding which protein powder to buy and struggling to choose between egg vs whey protein, worry no more. In this article we’ll guide you through all the benefits of egg and whey powders, which are the two most popular protein powders in the fitness and bodybuilding community.

When choosing the perfect protein supplement, there are a lot of factors to consider, first of all being your goal. Do you want to lose weight as quickly as possible or your focus is on muscle building? Maybe you just want to optimize your nutrition.

Either way, you will most probably have to spend some time experimenting with different types and brands of protein supplements before finding the one that best suits your goals and needs. 

Egg vs whey protein – the basics

egg protein vs whey

Both egg protein and whey protein contain all of the essential amino acids that are required for building and repair of all tissues. They are also very similar in terms of the overall protein content they offer, with 24 grams of protein per scoop for the egg protein powder and 20-30 grams of protein per scoop for the whey protein powder. The calorie counts of both protein powders are also close to each other and ranges between 120 and 130 for both types of protein powder.

The amount of carbohydrates and fats can vary from one brand to another, so it’s relatively easy to find a low-fat or a low-carb product from both types. However, egg protein derived from whole eggs can contain up to three times more cholesterol compared to whey protein.

Health risks and benefits

If you’re lactose intolerant, you should opt for egg protein or whey protein isolate, that contain almost zero lactose. Other types of whey protein powder usually come in a less pure form and can be troublesome for lactose intolerant people. But for those who have no problem with dairy products, whey protein can also be a good source of calcium and help enhance bone and dental health.

Some studies have even shown that whey protein has the ability to lower blood pressure and LDL cholesterol levels, and increase vasodilation (widening of blood vessels that results from relaxation of smooth muscle cells within the vessel walls), which is crucial to cardiovascular health.

Bodybuilding goals

Whey protein takes the first prize in terms of both weight loss and muscle building. One recent study published in “Nutrition Journal” found that whey protein was more efficient at suppressing appetite than egg protein.

On the other hand, whey protein is also the better of the two when it comes to adding muscle mass, mainly because of its higher content of BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) which are vital for protein synthesis and muscle growth.

Unfortunately, egg protein hasn’t been studied as much as whey protein in the course of the past decade, so there’s a lack of scientific research that compares these two types of protein. However, some studies have shown that egg white protein has a slightly lower ability to stimulate protein synthesis compared to whey.

Egg vs Whey Protein – the conclusion

Since protein is the most discussed macronutrient in sports nutrition, it’s no wonder there are so many different types of protein powders available on the market. Even though whey protein seems to offer more benefits than egg protein, note that the latter is also a high quality source of all the essential amino acids the body needs, so don’t be afraid to give it a try and see what works better for you.

If you still can’t decide what protein supplement to use, check our ultimate guide to protein supplements.

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