how to stop overeating

5 Ways to Stop Overeating and Drop Weight

We are all creatures of habits, so it comes as no surprise that we need to figure out how to stop overeating (except on cheat days, of course) and lose fat in the process.

Basically, it all comes down to our ability to define the right state of “hunger” we are in. Other factors that influence our behavior to overeat are boredom, proximity of food and emotional empathy.

Regardless of the triggering effect overeating can lead to devastating results and serious health implications.

How to stop overeating ?

There are numerous ways to stop overeating, but primary concerns are given to our habits and behavior. It’s all in the mind folks, so let us show you how you can avoid that overeating habit of yours!

1. Recognize the right state of your hunger

Do you really know what hunger feels like? Before you can rein it in, you must learn to recognize the physical cues that signal a true need for nourishment. Prior to eating, use our hunger scale below to help figure out your true food needs:

Stage 6Starving: Overwhelming feeling of emptiness that might be accompanied by light-headedness, low blood sugar, shaky hands and general anxiety. This is the stage where you are the highest risk of overeating whereas your body can’t send proper signals of how much food you exactly need.

Stage 5 – Hungry: This is the stage when you are constantly thinking of what to eat next! If you don’t satisfy your craving in the next few hours you will cross over to stage 6: Starving.

Stage 4 – Moderately hungry: Your stomach is showing signs of hunger (growling sounds) where you plan you will put a stop to that discomforting feeling. This is the best time for you to eat, your body will respond properly on the food intake you’re planning to consume.

Stage 3 – Satisfied: You are at your optimum eating measure, just the right state of satisfaction.

Stage 2 – Full: Being in this state and you actually continuing to eat, causes bloated feeling in your stomach. Also, your food does not taste exactly good as the first bite you had.

Stage 1 – Stuffed: Those acids trying to get out are because you stuffed yourself with more than needed. Additional heartburns are expected. You feel sleepy and heavy.


2. “Snacking” every 4 hours

If you still can identify the hunger state you’re in at the moment, set your watch on 4 hours interval. Timing is everything, meaning if you wait for 4hrs to eat, you’re putting yourself in a position to crave for high calorie food. This is the only way to keep regular blood sugar and energy levels.

If you’re trying to slim down in the process, try consuming 150 Kcal snacks between meals time. So, snack away on whole foods whole foods like fruit and unsalted nuts—they tend to contain more fiber and water, so you fill up on fewer calories.

3. Prepare high-volume meals

Solid foods that have a high fluid content can help you suppress hunger longer, meaning you will eat more food but less calories. Start your dinner with a salad, always choose fresh fruit over dried ones and steam your vegetables.


4. Fiber is your friend

Fiber is being processed more slowly in your system; therefore you won’t feel the hunger strikes often. In fact, fiber can be as effective as the best weight loss diets, research shows. Start replacing your bread, pasta and other carbs with whole grain versions. 

5. Protein is not your enemy

Protein will give you the energy level needed and still keep you full during the day. Those eggs as breakfast choice are always good. Besides a high protein/ high fat diet will keep you full longer than a high carb diet. Eating enough protein at every meal is a sure way to prevent you from overeating on junk food and carbs.

You might be interested: How to get 200g of protein a day.

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