Why You Shouldn’t Believe Every ‘Before’ and ‘After’ Photo

Since taking selfies has become the new norm on most of the social networks, in recent years a new type of selfie has begun flooding them: the fitness selfie. And it the brought along the famous ‘before’ and ‘after’ shots. Countless pictures of people before they began their fitness transformation and after their bodies started to show the results of their fat loss goals. However, there are lots of fake ones and in this article, we present to you the different tactics people use to make you believe that what you see is real.

For example, take a look at these two photos. Would it ever occur to you that they were taken only 5 minutes apart? Yes, you read that right. 5 minutes!


But not very surprising once you start observing more closely. As the photo itself documents, there are lots of small details which can be changed or slightly tweaked to significantly alter the end result. And we’re talking about some wardrobe changes, a change in lighting and a posture change. All of this can make you look like you’ve dropped 5-10 pounds in an instant.

1. The stomach trick

The first trick involves your stomach. If you want to make your stomach look slimmer, the best way to do it is to choose clothes that would fit you perfectly, especially the underwear, neither very loose nor very tight. Tight clothing will make you look bigger than you really are. Standing straight is an added bonus which will make it perfect.

2. Set the lighting right

Using natural light which is usually diffused tends to profile the body, does not highlight its details and creates shadows that are too harsh. Strong light shouldn’t be used either, as well as dim light. Dimmed light makes people look sad and unhealthy. In the picture above, notice how properly fitting, black underwear has a slimming effect on the body.


3. Use the right posture

Stand upright, with your back straight, broaden the shoulder and chest, smile and exude confidence. That basically takes care of everything. If you’re taking a picture of your whole body, you can also add placing your feet shoulder width apart with the hands on your hips and add a slight twist in your waist by taking a sideways angle pose.

But the most important thing when taking a fitness selfie is not how others might perceive you, but how you perceive yourself. So, continue working out and build your body but understand that your body is unique and perfect it according to your genetics. And don’t fall into the trap of comparing yourself with other people.

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