stay lean while bulking

How to Lose Fat With The Low Glycemic Diet

Have you ever heard of losing weight while still eating bread, cereals, and pasta? Sounds incredible, doesn’t it? The diet we’ll present to you is filled with carbs that have a low glycemic index and could be one of the easiest ways to shed the excess fat without ever feeling hungry.

Control your blood sugar with low glycemic index carbs

By now, you must have tried almost everything to lose the excess fat, to fit nicely into those skinny jeans for the summer. You have surely drunk tons of grapefruit juices, counted the fat in your meals meticulously and got rid of all the bread, different types of pasta and every other type of carb you could think of. However, we want to present to you something much easier and enjoyable.

And it’s not low-fat, low-carb flavorless diet. It’s the low-glycemic index diet, and it’s something that’s become extremely popular in the past few years. And current research has confirmed its effectiveness repeatedly. Basically, following a diet that is comprised of foods that have a low glycemic index can help reduce your cravings, by controlling the blood sugar levels.

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Good vs. bad carbs

Explained simply, a low glycemic index diet has a high content of good carbs like whole grains and vegetables and a low content of bad carbs contained in burgers, pizzas, sweets, candy etc. The rest is made up of lean protein sources and healthy fats. This diet stands in the middle between diets that are rich in protein and satiating and the diets that are rich in fiber and offer more nutrients. And that’s not all. Diets based on different glycemic indexes are one of the most complex diets to have ever appeared. Some of them allow certain types of food, some of them don’t.

It can get really frustrating after a while. However, what the majority of nutrition experts agree on is that following such a diet isn’t harmful and has the potential to offer a lot of health benefits besides fat loss. Before following a low-glycemic index diet, here are some basic things you need to be aware of.

What is the Glycemic Index?

The glycemic index is a system of numbers associated with a particular type of carbohydrate that indicates the carbohydrate’s effect on raising a person’s blood glucose (also called blood sugar) level. This system was first developed for diabetes patients, however, it has become very useful in regards to deepening our understanding of how blood sugar levels impact hunger levels. The process is the following: when you eat a particular carbohydrate, blood sugar levels rise. This causes increased insulin release. Insulin, then, decreases the blood sugar levels, which in the end makes you feel lethargic and irritable. You’re then craving for something sweet. Plummeting blood sugar levels can make you hungrier a lot faster.

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