How To Turn Carbs Into Muscle and NOT Fat


Although the chances are that you’ve never heard of Fenugreek it can be found in many muscle building supplements. This relatively new addition to the muscle building scene has quickly gained on popularity. This annual plant can be found in Africa and Asia, and can be used as powder and for seasoning food.

However, it can be also used raw, consuming the leafs. In China it has a long tradition of use for treating diabetes. According to the modern studies the blood sugar lowering effect of Fenugreek is a result of slowing down the processing of carbs.

One of the studies has revealed that consuming 100 grams of fenugreek every day can greatly lower the levels of blood sugar in people suffering from diabetes. Fenugreek has the similar results with mild type 2 diabetes as well.

Having in mind that fenugreek is fairly new in the supplement market, there are not as many products containing this potent ingredient. However, if you do find yourself in the group of people who have problem with storing carbs as fat, this ingredient is what you really need.


Bitter melon is yet another blood sugar reducing food that comes from the far east. This fruit grown in Asia has a fantastic ability to improve insulin sensitivity. As such it can be found included in many dishes consumed at this continent.

According to the recent studies, this fruit is not only efficient in reducing the sense of hunger, but it can also improve your glucose tolerance.

As a result, you reduce the risk of getting type 2 diabetes.


While the first three ingredients on our list were somewhat obscure and new, you’ve all probably heard about the next ingredient on our list. Cinnamon! asd However, you might not know that cinnamon is extremely efficient in lowering the blood sugar levels, which has been proven with many recent studies.

According to them, cinnamon is not only capable of alleviating some of the diabetes s symptoms, but it can also stop it in its tracks. This property of cinnamon is a result of its ability to mimic insulin when introduced in our body improving your cell’s sensitivity to this hormone.

One of the studies has revealed that after a month of consuming cinnamon in their diet, 60 men and women have experienced a drop of fasting serum glucose level ranging between 18 and 29 percent. Having this in mind, cinnamon can be very efficient in turning carbs into muscles.

You’ve probably noticed that three of the above mentioned ingredients are less known for the western civilization. Although used in Asia for a long time, they are just starting to conquer the supplement market. However, as the new studies emerge their gaining more and more on popularity, and are now included in many products. Just make sure that the supplements you choose to use contains all the natural ingredients. They can be a real boost in your muscle building efforts.

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